Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And another missionary is born!

We were T-I-R-E-D this morning. Both me and Emily were so full of excitement last night that we stayed up WAY too late and were moving a bit slowly this morning. But as we drove through the streets of Guatemala City we were given fresh energy as we new soon we would be with the children. We visited a school located at the dump site this morning. The parents of the children work in the dump digging through the garbage looking for something that could be sold on the streets for money. Before the school was there the children would be at the dump with their parents - it was horribly dangerous. Mrs Arzu (the former first lady of Guatemala) who has a heart for the orphans of her country built the school to provide a place for the children to be safe and have the hope of a different life then their parents. Mrs. Arzu is a Christian woman and the children are taught with a Christian curriculum. We were told today that 10% of the students move on to upper level studies (college). That is amazing considering they are homeless children whose parents scavenge the dump. We spent time ministering to the kids and Emily was able to pass out some of the blankets that her school collected for her to bring.
Our afternoon was spent at a very poor orphanage. Me and Emily ran worship (I know we would have made Jamie proud!). It was fun singing with the kids! Emily was again able to pass out some of her blankets. I am absolutly amazed at the missionary that has blossomed! Emily is doing amazing and has jumped in with her full heart. The kids LOVE her. The best part of my day was watching her and just being in awe of how God has grown her to be a young lady so full of compassion and love.

Thank you for all your prayers! Tomorrow is another full day. We will be back with the children at the oprhanage for a portion of our day. Our hearts are so full of love for them and it will be so hard to say goodbye. I'm off to prepare for the devotion I'm leading tonight so I'm turning the computer over to Emily. Here is a note from her:

Hi Everybody!Today I got to experience how God has really gifted all these children who either have rough lives at home or have no parents. All the kids seem so happy and don't seem to notice all that is happening around them. It was a blessing to meet all those wonderful kids. I got to hand out stickers, bracelets and bubbles.It was an amazing experience.

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